Amelie Mckee






18 Trading Estate Road, NW10 7LU

Get Me There

Amélie Mckee is a visual artist who operates across a wide range of disciplines.

Her practice investigates the conditions engendered by interpretation; how objects and ideas undergo status changes and exist within different realities and interpretations simultaneously.

In her work, the essential quality of things and their existence within newly created frames of reference is questioned. She shares an interest in how fact and fiction intertwine usually experimenting with different languages to uncover power dynamics at play.

Amélie Mckee is the co-founder of the Plicnik Collective; a fluid organisation that challenges the politics of art production and distribution in an online context. Plicnik researches the dynamics that are at play in the construction and diffusion of online art shows, and proposes experimental environments for artists to create work in. Their projects aim to re-institute agency to artists in the production and display of their work and create new modalities in which to meet and envisage artworks.


Ambrotypista London


Amy Sharrocks